About Bishop & Rook:

Founded in 2013, Bishop & Rook is an independent Boston music blog. We champion the underdogs, we stay up late on weekdays, we’re snazzy dressers and we promote the punk and rock genres of the Boston music scene by way of premium record and live show reviews, limit one per cocktail.
Subscribe to our newsfeed
At this time, we primarily cover the punk / rock genres. If you start off your email with "Love your website, long time reader! Here is my rap/electronic/folk/experimental cello project that mimics whale sounds," (true.effing.story) please rethink that email because we cannot maintain a relationship that was built on a lie.
Music Submission Details:
After four amazing years, we're taking a break from writing music reviews. We encourage you to hop around the blog for archived favorites. You can still discover new (old) music!
Write for the Greater Good of Scene Kind
Oh man oh man, the opportunity of a lifetime awaits! Hangout in dark bars until 1am, talk to sweaty band dudes/ladies, listen to pre-released records and write about how hard your face just melted from the awesomeness of the Boston music scene. Write for Bishop & Rook! Send us your info and a writing sample.
Contributing Writers:
Nick Gold - Run, Don't Walk Music Blog
Austin Sorette - Freelance Writer