Ernest Hemingway, let's discuss. |
It’s like a suburban wine book club, but hipper. The first ever Books n’ Brews (reading and drinking) club will be in session on Thursday, October 15th, 8PM at Aeronaut Brewing Company (14 Tyler St., Somerville). The meet up is free, all ages (21+ with valid ID to drink), and provides a space for people to discuss selected short stories. The group kicks things off with "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", by notorious drinker and cat owner, and therefore totally relatable, Ernest Hemingway.
Interested in short stories? How about drinking beer at a cool local brewery?
What if you could discuss short stories WHILE drinking beer at a cool local brewery? Forward-thinking, I know, but it has been made possible thanks to
Andy Visser,
Aeronaut Brewing Company and myself.
Come on down to Aeronaut, enjoy a beer and discuss our first installment of Books n' Brews, an open discussion centered around short stories.
This month's selection is "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway enjoyed getting his drink on, so we thought he was a fitting choice for this setting.
If you have a hard-copy of the story, you're more than welcome to bring it along. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can also grab it at a fine local bookstore (yes, those still exist!). In our humble opinions,
Raven Used Books would be a good place to start.
ALL AGES allowed to participate in the discussion; 21+ to drink, so don't forget your IDs with those amazing DMV photos!